Kansas infractions case will be resolved through the Independent Accountability Resolution Process
July 1, 2020
A request for referral of the infractions case involving Kansas to the Independent Accountability Resolution Process was granted by the Infractions Referral Committee. Consistent with rules and procedures governing the process, details about the matter will remain confidential until the Independent Resolution Panel releases its decision.
The Independent Accountability Resolution Process is comprised of independent investigators, advocates and adjudicators who are responsible for reviewing select infractions cases in Division I. The IARP was created in response to recommendations issued by the Commission on College Basketball.
Media questions about the Independent Accountability Resolution Process should be directed to Amy Hanna:
Phone Number: 317-762-8510 or email: Borshoff@iarpcc.org
If you are not a member of the news media, please submit your inquiry using this form.
Case Procedural Timeline
University of Kansas
Referral Request Process
05.18.20 Referral Requested by Chair Designee of COI
May 18, 2020, the chair designee of the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions, requested the Infractions Referral Committee refer the Kansas infractions case to the Independent Accountability Resolution Process.
05.21.20 Managing Director of Enforcement Submitted a Response
May 21, 2020, the managing director of enforcement, submitted a response to the referral request.
06.05.20 Kansas Assistant Men's Basketball Coach Submitted a Response
June 5, 2020, Kansas assistant men’s basketball coach, submitted a response to the referral request.
06.08.20 Kansas Head Men's Basketball Coach and Former Head Football Coach Submitted Reponses
June 8, 2020, Kansas, the head men’s basketball coach and the former head football coach submitted responses to the referral request.
06.12.20 Head Men's Basketball Coach Submitted A Request To Preserve Evidence
June 12, 2020, the head men’s basketball coach submitted a request to preserve evidence. On that same day, Kansas submitted a request for whether the case will proceed as one infractions case or as multiple separate cases. On that same day, the Infractions Referral Committee met to consider the referral request.
06.12.20 Kansas Submitted Bifurcation Request
June 12, 2020, Kansas submitted a request for whether the case will proceed as one infractions case or as multiple separate cases.
06.12.20 IRC Met Regarding Referral Request
June 12, 2020, the Infractions Referral Committee met to consider the referral request.
06.17.20 Chair Designee Of COI Submitted Letter Regarding Bifurcation Request
June 17, 2020, the chair designee of the Committee on Infractions submitted a letter regarding whether the case will proceed as one infractions case or as multiple separate cases.
06.19.20 IRC Met Regarding Referral Request
June 19, 2020, the Infractions Referral Committee met to consider the referral request.
06.26.20 IRC Met Regarding Referral Request
June 26, 2020, the Infractions Referral Committee met to consider the referral request.
07.01.20 IRC Referred Case to the IARP
July 1, 2020, the Infractions Referral Committee referred the Kansas infractions case to the Independent Accountability Resolution Process.
07.06.20 Correspondence from Chair Designee of the Committee on Infractions
July 6, 2020, the chair designee of the Committee on Infractions submitted a letter regarding a memorandum from the enforcement staff regarding amendments to its written reply and statement of the case. The letter also discussed the Committee on Infractions’ jurisdiction regarding the case.
Case Management Plan Development
07.30.20 IAOC Appointed CCU and IRP Members
July 30, 2020, the Independent Accountability Oversight Committee appointed hearing panel members and the Complex Case Unit, which is comprised primarily of external investigators and external advocates.
08.19.20 Correspondence from Kansas
August 19, 2020, Kansas submitted a letter regarding a potential conflict of interest or appearance of partiality regarding a hearing panel member.
09.16.20 Response from IRC
September 16, 2020, the chief panel member submitted a response regarding the potential conflict of interest or appearance of partiality.
02.21.21 Correspondence from Kansas
February 21, 2021, Kansas submitted a request related to attendance at on-campus interviews conducted by Complex Case Unit. On that same day, the chief panel member submitted a response to Kansas.
02.22.21 CCU Submitted Request for Reconsideration
February 22, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a request for reconsideration.
02.24.21 IRP Responded to CCU
February 24, 2021, the chief panel member submitted a response to the Complex Case Unit.
03.10.21 IRP Requested Status Update
March 10, 2021, the chief panel member requested an update regarding the status on proposed scheduling deadlines.
03.17.21 Proposed Scheduling Deadlines Submitted
March 17, 2021, the parties submitted proposed scheduling deadlines.
03.17.21 CCU and Kansas Submitted Joint Motion to Bifurcate
March 17, 2021, the Complex Case Unit and Kansas submitted a joint motion to separate allegations and make an expedited determination regarding two allegations.
03.24.21 Correspondence from Head Men's Basketball Coach
March 24, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach submitted a request to preserve evidence.
04.01.21 Case Management Plan Issued
April 1, 2021, the chief panel member issued a case management plan.
04.02.21 IRP Responded to Joint Motion to Bifurcate
April 2, 2021, the chief panel member provided a response to joint motion to separate allegations and make an expedited determination regarding two allegations.
04.08.21 Managing Director of Enforcement Responded to CCU Record Request
April 8, 2021, the managing director of enforcement responded to the Complex Case Unit’s record request.
04.14.21 Correspondence from Head Men's Basketball Coach
April 14, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach submitted a motion to compel production of certain information.
04.16.21 Correspondence from Kansas
April 16, 2021, Kansas submitted a request regarding production of certain documents and proposed interview.
04.19.21 Extension Request Submitted by CCU
April 19, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a request to extend and stay deadlines in the case management plan.
04.23.21 Correspondence from Managing Director of Enforcement
April 23, 2021, the managing director of enforcement submitted a letter regarding production of certain documents.
05.03.21 IRP Granted Extension Request from CCU
May 3, 2021, the chief panel member confirmed receipt of correspondence and granted the Complex Case Unit’s request to stay deadlines in the case management plan.
05.10.21 Correspondence from Kansas
May 10, 2021, Kansas submitted a supplemental letter regarding production of certain documents.
05.10.21 Correspondence from Head Men's Basketball Coach
May 20, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach submitted a reply in further support of the motion to compel production of certain information.
05.12.21 Correspondence from IRP
May 12, 2021, the chief panel member submitted a letter regarding receipt of correspondence.
05.14.21 Correspondence from Kansas
May 14, 2021, Kansas submitted a letter regarding a conference to resolve the outstanding disputes between the parties.
05.19.21 Correspondence from Kansas
May 19, 2021, Kansas submitted a letter regarding appearance of a conflict of interest.
05.24.21 Correspondence from Head Men's Basketball Coach
May 24, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach submitted a letter regarding appearance of a conflict of interest.
05.26.21 CCU Responded
May 26, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a response regarding appearance of a conflict of interest.
06.03.21 Correspondence from IRP
June 3, 2021, the chief panel member submitted a letter regarding receipt of correspondence.
07.14.21 Correspondence from Vice President of Hearing Operations
July 14, 2021, the vice president of hearing operations submitted a letter regarding recusal.
07.15.21 Correspondence from Vice President of Hearing Operations
July 15, 2021, the NCAA vice president of hearing operations submitted a letter concerning potential or actual conflicts of interest.
07.21.21 CCU Submitted Clarification
July 21, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a clarification regarding production of information.
07.22.21 Communication from IRP
July 22, 2021, the chief panel member issued a decision related to the request to compel production of certain information.
07.22.21 Communication from Former Head Football Coach
July 22, 2021, the former head football coach submitted a letter to the chief panel member of intent to publicly disclose certain information.
07.26.21 IRP Responded to Correspondence from Former Head Football Coach
July 26, 2021, the chief panel member responded to the letter from the former head football coach regarding the intent to publicly disclose certain information.
08.04.21 IRP Held Status Conference
August 4, 2021, the chief panel member held a status conference with the parties to discuss, among other things, the processing deadlines outlined in the case management plan.
08.09.21 Amended Case Management Plan Issued
August 9, 2021, the chief panel member issued an amended case management plan no. 1.
08.17.21 Correspondence from Head Men's Basketball Coach
August 17, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach submitted correspondence regarding recusal.
08.19.21 Extension Requested by Head Men's Basketball Coach
August 19, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach requested an extension of the supplemental investigation period.
08.19.21 Request for Clarification Submitted by Kansas
August 19, 2021, Kansas submitted a request for clarification of requests to compel certain documents.
08.23.21 Amended Case Management Plan Issued
August 23, 2021, the chief panel member issued an amended case management plan no 2.
08.25.21 CCU Responded to Head Men's Basketball Coach
August 25, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted correspondence related to the head men’s basketball coach’s response dated August 17, 2021, regarding recusal.
08.30.21 CCU Provided Additional Clarity
August 30, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a response regarding additional clarity and position regarding investigative matters.
09.08.21 Chief Panel Member Responds to Correspondence
September 8, 2021, the chief panel member responded to the head men’s basketball coach’s August 17, 2021, correspondence regarding recusal.
09.09.21 Chief Panel Member Responds to Request for Clarification
September 9, 2021, the chief panel member responded to Kansas’ August 19, 2021, request for clarification regarding the chief panel member’s previous response to the request to compel production on certain information.
09.10.21 CCU Informs Chief Panel Member of Interview Completion
September 10, 2021, the Complex Case Unit informs the chief panel member that the interview of an individual related to the case has been completed.
09.30.21 Parties Receive Copy of Procedural Case Timeline
September 30, 2021, the parties were provided a copy of the procedural case timeline and notified of the date of the publication of the timelines on the iarpcc.org webpage.
10.01.21 CCU Requests Case Management Plan Status Conference
October 1, 2021, the Complex Case Unit requested a case management plan status conference to discuss the amended case management plan #2.
10.05.21 CCU Submits Proposed Draft Procedures to Chief Panel Member
October 5, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted proposed draft procedures for an alternative method for the resolution of the case to the chief panel member. On that same date, the chief panel member held a case management plan status conference to discuss scheduling deadlines and a request for an alternative method of resolution
10.06.21 CCU Submits Draft of Second Amended NOA
October 6, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a draft version of a second amended notice of allegations.
10.07.21 Kansas Submits CCU and Parties' Position
October 7, 2021, Kansas submitted the Complex Case Unit and the parties’ position on the authority to allow the parties to participate in an alternative method for the resolution.
10.12.21 CCU Responds to Submission
October 12, 2021, the Complex Case Unit responded to the Kansas’ October 7, 2021, submission. On the same day, the chief panel member determined that the amended case management plan #2 deadlines in abeyance until the resolution of the request for an alternative method of resolution of the case.
10.15.21 CCU Provides Information
October 15, 2021, the Complex Case Unit provided information related to the chief panel member’s July 22, 2021, decision regarding the request to compel production of certain information.
10.26.21 Chief Panel Member Responds to CCU
October 26, 2021, the chief panel member responded to the Complex Case Unit’s October 15, 2021, letter. On the same day, the chief panel member provided determination regarding the request to use an alternative method of resolution for the infractions case.
11.02.21 CCU Submits Request
November 2, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a request regarding who should be noticed regarding the production of documents.
11.03.21 Parties Submit Joint Update
November 3, 2021, parties submitted a joint update that included additional information regarding the parties’ request for an alternative method of resolution of this infractions case. On the same date, the commissioner of the Big XII conference submitted a letter outlining his support for the parties’ request.
11.15.21 IAOC Chair Provides Response
November 15, 2021, the chair of the Independent Accountability Oversight Committee provided a response to the letter from the commissioner of the Big XII conference.
11.22.21 Chief Panel Member Provides Response
November 22, 2021, the chief panel member provided a response to the Complex Case Unit’s letter dated November 2, 2021.
11.29.21 Chief Panel Member Provides Determination
November 29, 2021, the chief panel member provided a determination regarding the parties’ request for an alternative method of resolution of this infractions case.
12.07.21 Chief Panel Member Holds Case Management Plan Status Conference
December 7, 2021, the chief panel held a case management plan status conference.
12.13.21 CCU Submits Second Amended NOA
December 13, 2021, the Complex Case Unit submitted a second amended notice of allegations.
12.16.21 Chief Panel Member Issues Report, Amended Case Management Plan
December 16, 2021, the chief panel member issued a report from the December 7, 2021, case management plan status conference. On the same date, the Complex Case Unit submitted a renewed request related to the review of documents by the chief panel member. Also, on the same date, Kansas, the head men’s basketball coach and the assistant men’s basketball coach submitted information related to the review of documents by the chief panel member. Finally, the chief panel member issued amended case management plan no. 3.
12.17.21 Kansas Requests Information and Documents
December 17, 2021, Kansas requested information and documents.
12.19.21 Head Men's Basketball Coach Requests Documents
December 19, 2021, the head men’s basketball coach made document requests.
01.10.22 CCU Responds
January 10, 2022, the Complex Case Unit responded to Kansas’ and the head men’s basketball coach’s requests for information and documents sent on December 17, 2021, and December 19, 2021.
01.13.22 NCAA Enforcement Staff Responds
January 13, 2022, the NCAA enforcement staff responded to Kansas’ and the head men’s basketball coach’s requests for information and documents sent on December 17, 2021, and December 19, 2021.
01.20.22 Kansas Requests Deadline Extension
January 20, 2022, Kansas requested an extension to the deadline to submit a request for information. On the same date, the NCAA enforcement staff provided further responses to Kansas’ and the head men’s basketball coach’s requests for information and documents sent on December 17, 2021, and December 19, 2022.
01.25.22 Chief Panel Member Issues Amended Case Management Plan
January 25, 2022, the chief panel member issued amended case management plan no. 4.
01.26.22 Letter Sent to Parties
January 26, 2022, a letter was sent to the parties informing them a new staff member joined the Infractions Appeals Committees Office.
02.03.22 Kansas and Head Men's Basketball Coach Submit Request
February 3, 2022, Kansas and the head men’s basketball coach submitted a request to compel the production of documents.
02.07.22 Chief Panel Member Provides Response
February 7, 2022, the chief panel member provided a response to the request to review documents.
02.09.22 Kansas and Head Men's Basketball Coach Submit Further Request
February 9, 2022, Kansas and the head men’s basketball coach submitted a further request regarding the review of documents.
02.11.22 CCU Responds
February 11, 2022, the Complex Case Unit responded to the chief panel member’s response to the request to review documents.
02.17.22 NCAA Enforcement Staff Responds
February 17, 2022, the NCAA enforcement staff responded to the request to produce documents.
02.18.22 Chief Panel Member Holds Status Conference
February 18, 2022, the chief panel member held a status conference.
02.23.22 Chief Panel Member Provides Clarifications and Requests
February 23, 2022, the chief panel member provided clarifications and requests to the parties.
02.24.22 Parties Submit Letter
February 24, 2022, the parties submitted a letter in response to the chief panel member’s letter dated February 23, 2022.
02.25.2022 Chief Panel Member Responds
February 25, 2022, the chief panel member responded to the February 24, 2022, correspondence from the parties. On the same day, the Complex Case Unit sent an email requesting a status conference with the chief panel member. Also, on the same day, the parties submitted a cover letter and proposed joint agreements.
02.27.2022 Chief Panel Member Provides Availability for Status Conference
February 27, 2022, the chief panel member provided availability for a status conference. On that same day, the parties submitted availability and an agenda for the status conference.
02.28.2022 Chief Panel Member Holds Status Conference
February 28, 2022, the chief panel member held a status conference.
03.03.2022 Parties Submit Letter Providing Additional Information
March 3, 2022, the parties submitted a letter providing additional information regarding information discussed in the February 28, 2022, status conference.
03.16.2022 Chief Panel Member Responds to Parties' Requests
March 16, 2022, the chief panel member responded to the parties’ requests discussed in the February 28, 2022, status conference.
03.23.2022 Parties Request Extension
March 23, 2022, the parties requested an extension regarding matters related to modification of the case management plan. On the same day, the chief panel member granted the extension request.
03.30.2022 Parties Submit Correspondence
March 30, 2022, the parties submitted correspondence about certain requests regarding the submission of an amended notice of allegations and requests related to document production, and the case management plan.